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Top 10 Favourites

Blooming Flowers
Here is a list of the top 10 literary works I've written!


A House on a Hill

Through extended metaphor, this poem reconciles the description of a house with a woman. One in a series of poems from my collection, Women Are Objects, this poem won the W. O. Mitchell award from the University of Windsor and is the poem that inspired the series. Filled with vivid imagery and heart-wrenching morals in just 25 stanzas, "A House on a Hill" was a joy to write, and I hope you enjoy it too!




Inspired by the falsity and negativity of the society that encompasses us, this poem was published in 2018 in Catch The Whispers Anthology of Verse Young Writers of Canada.  This poem not only takes the lies presented to us by the world we live in into consideration but also examines the prospect that life on Earth as a human is an illusion altogether. This can be interpreted through the material or the immaterial; the demands of a society that seeks to control us, or the spiritual concept that there is more to our psyche than this limiting life. I hope this poem makes you think!



The Celestial Architect; As Above So Below

This poem encapsulates a dystopian elegance through the simple notion of the sky (and all the celestial bodies within) falling to the Earth. This can be interpreted as literal destruction, but when writing this poem, and as the ending clarifies, the celestial bodies are metaphorically sharing their grace and divinity with the Earth and those that live on her. It ties in aspects of the spiritual and astral with elements of what we perceive as the mundane. Though not yet published, I have high hopes for this poem. When you read it, look deeper, past the decorous and into the rhetoric.






















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